The Main School
All admission applications for Reception to Year 6 classes should be made through Warwickshire County Council or telephone 01926 414143
We admit children in the September after their 4th birthday. We have adopted the Warwickshire Admissions Policy. Applications to the Reception class need to be made to the Local Authority (LA) during the year prior to beginning in the September.
The admissions criteria for County and Controlled Junior and Primary schools in order of priority are:
- Children in the care of, or provided with accommodation by, a local authority (under section 22 of the Children Act 1989)
Children living in the priority area who have a brother or sister at the school at the time of admission.
Children living in the priority area who have a brother or sister at the partner infant school at the time of admission.
Other children living in the priority area.
Children from outside the priority area who have a brother or sister at the school at the time of admission.
Children from outside the priority area who attended the partner infant school immediately prior to transfer.
Other children from outside the priority area.
In each category, decisions are based on the distance between home and school by the shortest walking route, with priority going to those living nearest the school. This applies equally to those living inside and outside the county boundary.
If a Warwickshire Community or Voluntary Controlled primary school is over subscribed then the following over-subscription criteria will be used when allocating places
- Criterion 1a: Looked after children and all previously looked after children. Criterion 1b: Children who have been adopted through a CVAA UK agency.
- Criterion 2: Children who receive the Early Years Pupil Premium for their early years provider.
- Criterion 3: Children who are currently, or have been at any point since 1st September 2015, subject to a Child in Need Plan or a Child Protection Plan.
- Criterion 4: Children living in the priority area for the school, who will have a sibling attending the same school in Years 1 - 6 at the time of admission in September 2022.
- Criterion 5: Other children living in the priority area for the school.
- Criterion 6: Children living outside the priority area for the school, who will have a sibling attending the same school in Years 1 – 6 at the time of admission in September 2022.
- Criterion 7: Other children living outside the priority area for the school.
If you wish your child to join us, please make an appointment to visit the school
New Pupil Form - to be completed on admission to school
Little Acorns Nursery Class
Children from the school's priority area (Wolston, Brandon, Bretford, Church Lawford and Kings Newnham) are given first choice for a place in the nursery class for the year they become four. Nursery admissions follow county guidelines. Nursery education is not compulsory, but we do ask that once you accept a place for your child you make sure that s/he attends regularly so that the place is not wasted.
Nursery admissions for January 2023
Parents of children born between 1st September 2019 and 31st December 2019 can apply for their nursery place to start in January 2022.
Nursery admissions for September 2022
Parents of children born between 1st September 2018 and 31st August 2019 can apply for their nursery place to start in September 2022.
To apply for a place at Nursery either download the form here and return it to the School or visit the School Office.
We will offer the opportunity of pre-visits for the half term prior to entry to familiarise both you and your child with the activities and routine of the Nursery class. We keep the visits as informal as possible so that your child will feel part of the Nursery class. We hope the visits will be as valuable to you as they will be to us.
To allow for a smooth transition from home/nursery to school, the school will phase in the first class during the first three weeks of the new school year.
Attendance in Nursery does not guarantee the offer of a Reception class place. Applications for Reception class are administered separately by Warwickshire County Council.