If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, then that goes to his heart - Nelson Mandela.
At Wolston St Margaret's Primary School, we aim to provide an enjoyable and inspiring Modern Foreign Language curriculum, using French as our lead language studied. Our aim is that this will help to enable our children to become well-rounded, independent and responsible members of society. We believe that learning a language provides a valuable educational, social and cultural experience for our pupils. It helps to develop communication skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing and lays the foundation for future language learning. We believe that learning another language also give children a new and broader perspective on the world, encouraging them to understand their own cultures and those of others.
For further information about our MFL curriculum, please see the documents and information below:
Learning Leaflets include key vocabulary with definitions, dates and timelines, maps, significant individuals and other contextual knowledge along with key skills the children will need to demonstrate. We expect the majority of children to know the information on the learning leaflet by the end of the unit of work and be able to recall key detail.
The facts on the Learning Leaflet are the crystallised, necessary information about a topic but they don't represent the topic in its entirety and many children will have a far deeper understanding and be able to discuss and elaborate much further.
Autumn Term 1 - Phonetics 1&2 / J’apprends le Francais Autumn Term 2 - Les Saisons
Spring 1 - Musical Instruments Spring 2 - Fruit
Summer 1 - Ice Creams Summer 2 - Little Red Riding Hood
Autumn Term 1 - Phonetics 1 & 2 / Presenting Myself Autumn Term 2 - Family
Spring Term 1 - Goldilocks Spring Term 2 - Habitats
Summer Term 1 - Classroom Summer Term 2 - My Home
Autumn Term 1 - Phonetics 1 - 3 / At the Cafe Autumn Term 2 - What Is The Date?
Spring Term 1 - Family Spring Term 2 - Do You Have A Pet?
Summer Term 1 - Olympics Summer Term 2 - Clothes
Autumn Term 1 - Phonetics 1 - 4 / My Home Autumn Term 2 - Do You Have A Pet?
Spring Term 1 - What Is The Date? Spring Term 2 - The Weather
Summer Term 1 - School Summer Term 2 - Weekend