Little Acorns' Nursery Fees
- All Nursery children will receive 15 hours Free Early Years (FEE) entitlement from the term after their 3rd birthday. We offer this entitlement for 15 hours per week for 38 weeks of the year (term time only). We will need to see your child’s birth certificate to enable us to claim the entitlement
- You have the option to access your FEE entitlement Monday to Friday. 9.00am – 12.00pm – no charge
- A non- compulsory cardigan or sweatshirt may be purchased direct from our uniform supplier, Brigade. Please refer to their website for current prices.
- Any trip or activity where a cost is incurred – parents will be given reasonable notice of such an event to allow time for payment to be made.
- We ask for a voluntary contribution of £5.00 per term payable in advance at the beginning of each term. This money pays for all those little extras like cooking ingredients, resources for creative activities, inside and out and for special café “treats”. Just a few of the things that subscriptions have enabled us to have during this academic year are hot dogs and sparklers, tasting different foods, Percy the Park Keeper’s “treasure” and creative activities. All money is spent on resources for your children to enrich their learning.