Wolston St Margarets Church of England Primary School

Walston St Margret's
Life at Wolston St Margarets Church of England Primary School Life at Wolston St Margarets Church of England Primary School Life at Wolston St Margarets Church of England Primary School Life at Wolston St Margarets Church of England Primary School Life at Wolston St Margarets Church of England Primary School Life at Wolston St Margarets Church of England Primary School Life at Wolston St Margarets Church of England Primary School



We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing things because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths - Walt Disney

At Wolston St Margaret’s we aim to promote Science through thought-provoking, fun and exciting experiences, that inspire all to explore and understand the world around them. We believe that children have ideas, observations and questions about the world around them and therefore we should use these as the foundations for their learning. We aim to challenge children to develop and use scientific skills; acquire and apply scientific knowledge, understanding and language; investigate through playing, exploring and experimenting; communicate and collaborate effectively with others; challenge scientific evidence. We also believe that children need support to make connections between scientific ideas and to see how they are developed and applied beyond the classroom. They also need to begin to think about the positive and negative effects of scientific and technological developments on the environment and others.

For further information about our Science Curriculum, please see the documents and information below:

Science Intent Statement

Science Policy

Science Long Term Plan

Science Lesson Snapshot



Learning Leaflets include key vocabulary with definitions, dates and timelines, maps, significant individuals and other contextual knowledge along with key skills the children will need to demonstrate. We expect the majority of children to know the information on the learning leaflet by the end of the unit of work and be able to recall key detail.

The facts on the Learning Leaflet are the crystallised, necessary information about a topic but they don't represent the topic in its entirety and many children will have a far deeper understanding and be able to discuss and elaborate much further.



Autumn Term - Materials         Spring Term - The Animal Kingdom         Summer Term 1 - Weather

                                                                                                                        Summer Term 2 - Plants



Autumn Term - Materials         Spring Term - Animals and Their Needs          Summer Term - Plants

                                                                                                                                Summer Term - Habitats



Autumn Term - Animals & Skeletons         Spring Term - Rocks          Summer Term - Plants

Autumn Term - Light                                                                                 Summer Term -Forces



Autumn Term - States of Matter        Spring Term - Digestion         Summer Term - Classification

Autumn Term - Electricity                                                                     Summer Term - Sound



Autumn Term - Mixtures, Reactions      Spring Term - Forces               Summer Term - Life Cycles

                                                                    Spring Term - Earth & Space      Summer Term - Human Development



Autumn Term - Heart & Lungs         Spring Term - Electricity         Summer Term - Light

Autumn Term - Classification                                                             Summer - Evolution