Wolston St Margarets Church of England Primary School

Walston St Margret's
Life at Wolston St Margarets Church of England Primary School Life at Wolston St Margarets Church of England Primary School Life at Wolston St Margarets Church of England Primary School Life at Wolston St Margarets Church of England Primary School Life at Wolston St Margarets Church of England Primary School Life at Wolston St Margarets Church of England Primary School Life at Wolston St Margarets Church of England Primary School




At Wolston St Margaret's, we have developed our high quality curriculum by not just focusing upon  statutory requirements but by including opportunities and experiences designed to meet the needs of our unique School community. We recognise our role in creating a life-long love of learning for our children and strive to provide a curriculum which is not only broad and balanced but inspires them and provides them with aspiration for their future.

We are a proud Church of England Primary School and our Christian Values and distinctive School ethos underpin every aspect of School life.

Please read the documents below for more information about the principles behind our curriculum design, how these are implemented and how we measure the impact of our curriculum:

Curriculum Statement

Curriculum Sequencing



At Wolston St Margaret’s C of E Primary School our main aim is provide a curriculum which excites and inspires our children and provides them with the knowledge and skills to equip them both now and in their future lives. We want our children to ‘let their light shine’ with confidence and self-belief.

With this in mind, subject leaders have identified collectively the three ‘Key concepts’ for each subject. We have created a coherent, structured curriculum by explicitly planning to return to these concepts frequently throughout EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key stage 2. 

We realise that reinforcing these concepts through repetition is the key to improving pupils’ retention and supporting future learning through the context of familiar ideas. 

The ‘Key Concepts’ outlined in this document relate to elements within an academic discipline, such as ‘observation’ in science, or refer to important concepts that contribute to pupils’ personal and social development, including ‘values’ in PSHE and ‘change’ in history. It is essential that the ‘Key Concepts’ within each subject are understood by the children and become part of their common classroom language. 

This is achieved by using them in subject-specific displays, explaining the ‘Key Concepts’ verbally and referring to them in lesson plans and by requiring the children to write them down and explain them in their own words. 

The ‘Key Concepts’ are also  a big part of our Learning Leaflets (see each curriculum subject page) and serve as an important link for children, allowing them to make connections between subjects and topics. The children are introduced to some of the Key Concepts using icons during Foundation Stage and this is then built upon as the children move through the School.

EYFS Key Concept Icons

Key Concepts 

